Rama`s anguish

Sita and Rama, a love story timeless and divine, bound by an eternal twine. From the forests to the palace grand, their love, like a sacred land. Through trials and tribulations, they stood hand in hand, their devotion unshakeable, like the finest strand. In joy and sorrow, they found solace in each other’s embrace, a love that transcended time and space. With hearts intertwined, their souls found peace, a love story that shall never cease. In unity and strength, they faced every test, for Sita and Rama, their love was truly blessed

Krishna…The dark skinned.

A random thought… About how a woman is waiting for her destiny, entwined with Radha’s waiting for Krishna. The wait for everything worth waiting for.


A dear student of mine committed suicide a long time ago. The fact that she was THE active participant the previous day still haunts me. Suicide leaves a lot of questions, and it never gives any answers. These verses are from the point of view of the elder generation, which takes the younger ones under its wing. And try to […]

Astronaut in a saree

POV of Women who could reach the highest rungs of their career but couldn’t cause of the conditioning of the family and society.

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8th to commemorate the cultural, political, and social and economic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. November 19th is celebrated as “Men’s Day” by men […]

Emotions under control.

trying to give my POV of emotions and how to control them. This post is the first post, and I will continue to talk about different situations and different emotions and how do we handle them.

Revelation in the Rain

REJUVENATING RAIN A nagging headache was troubling me as I worked on my project. Probably because of the incessant work on the laptop, or the professional war front with manipulative and obnoxious coworkers. I was home alone working on my vacation at my grandmother’s penthouse, internally debating whether to get another cup of coffee or a swiggy order. Desperately looking […]

Present is a Present

After a long walk, sweaty, but rejuvenated, I drove my bike. The morning misty air passed through my soul, promising a wonderful day ahead. The adrenaline pumped into me and I focused on one goal – to have a great day ahead.  Life never ceases to amaze me. When you look around, there is a tremendous phenomenon taking place. Celestial beings […]