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Topic Request

A lot of articles of mine are yet to be digitalized.. I am happy to take requests too. If you want information / explanation of a specific topic. Please reach out to me. Would be happy to help 🙂 


1. How to introduce myself?

Tell me about yourself” is the most frightening question. Most of us are terrified when we are faced with this question. Good news! We can handle this by just talking about us and not about Parents, Siblings, Colleges we studied or just reciting our resume.

2. Why am I so afraid of speaking in English?

Believe me.. its not them its not you, its your body and brain. Yes! its your brain which is confused and messing with you.

3. why do I get sweaty and confused when asked to talk in class or interview?

Well.. again.. Thanks to our Brains which get confused at the wrong place and right time.

4. How to give a great presentation?

Content is the King. Let your content speak to you and you can go along with the content. The 5 P`s of Planning can take to to the 6th P – Places!!

5. Is it ok to accept failure as part of the process?

Failures are the stepping stones of success ?? They are the only source of Success.

Learn from your failures and focus on the lesson and only the lesson

6. How to talk tell “no” to my superior if I cannot cater the needs?

Because you can !!! Show the cause and your limitations. BOSS is not always right!!