Interview Skills
Resume Writing

Resume Writing

Resume Writing - Fresher

Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Oh no.. this is not a covid 19 post. Let us for a minute forget these days and think.. where do you see these words???

On a shampoo Bottle .. Isn`t it so? How ever creative the shampoo`s design is, the description mostly says, Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

Deep fried conical shaped pastry stuffed with an amalgamation of creamy mashed potatoes, farm fresh green peas, fragrant Indian spices and herbs accompanied by garden fresh Cilantro and salsa dips -500/-

Now that sounds super.. what is that I would love to taste…

AKA Samosa.. Read the description once again. 

Why are we talking about Shampoos and Samosas when I came here for Resume Writing….

Well, what is the similarity that you, your resume and Shampoo, Samosa have? Think about it. People like you , like Shampoo and Samosa are huge in number. An HR is like a customer trying to choose a product which is again available in a huge number. Your resume is like the description of the product which attracts/disappoints the HR. 

Remember it might take just 30 seconds to approve / disapprove a resume.

That said, bear in mind that this isn’t a “How to fluff your resume” piece. It’s not a checklist of magic NLP phrases that will hypnotize the recruiter. 

Rather, a 


How to improve your writing, and to help the employer understand why you should be the chosen one.

Before we go ahead with the resume writing .. let us answer the following questions on  

1. A resume is…

  1. An autobiography of one’s career life and professional experiences in order to secure employment.
  1. A detailed listing of a job candidate’s skills, experience, responsibilities and achievements as these relate to the position and company being targeted.


  1. A complete listing of an individual’s education, work experience and professional training.

2. Ideally, the length of a resume should be…

  1. One page, no longer.
  2. Two pages, no longer.
  3. Whatever number of pages is necessary to qualify the candidate.

3. The most important information on my resume is…

  1. Job experience and education.
  2. Contact information.
  3. Achievements.

4. When writing my resume, my main focus should be on…

  1. Who will be reading my resume.
  2. Presenting my best skills, experiences and achievements is a priority.
  3. The readability and visual presentation of my document.

Comment your score !!!!


1.  A resume is…

A detailed listing of a job candidate’s skills, experience, responsibilities and achievements as these relate to the position and company being targeted.

  • Skills,
  • Experiences,
  • Responsibilities and achievements
  • Relevant and valuable to the position and company being targeted.
  • This is writing with the reader in mind.

2. Ideally, the length of a resume should be…

Ideally, 1 page and include all information that is directly relevant and valuable to the position and company being targeted.

3. The most important information on my resume is…


When all is said and done, how to contact you is the most important information in your resume.. Therefore, make certain this information is easy to locate, read and reference at a glance..

4. When writing my resume, my main focus should be on…

When we write anything, the focus should always be on the person who will be reading our document. Keeping this reader in mind and write your resume for his or her benefit.

At a glance -A resume should include 

  • Skills
  • Experiences
  • Responsibilities and achievements
  • One page.
  • Contact information.

Lets  see what can make your resume stand out


I would not really talk about the objective much because , when I was an HR and going through the resumes, I had never seen the objective much. In keeping  pace with the real time scenario, HRs focus more on your qualifications and capabilities. However, I give you short details of how to write your own objective. 

  • Keep it concise
  • Tailor it to the position
  • Lead with your strongest attributes.
  • Describe how you’ll add value as an employee.

TIP – You can find a lot of objectives online. Choose one and customize it. 

PAR statements

Problem * Action * Result 

A PAR statement has a Problem, Action, and Result which can be your strengths, achievements. You give a PAR statement rather than writing a one word statements like hard working, Team Player, etc.

Write PAR Statements based on your life and work experience. 


Problem ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Your Action



Results ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


What obstacles did you overcome?



What skills and personality traits did you use?


For example, at your college, you mentored a few of your Juniors.
Ask yourself:

* What was my role?
* Do I need to give more detail ?
* What was the outcome? Why did I do this?


Juniors unable to cope up with the transition.


  • Personally mentored and Guided Juniors. 
  • Encouraged other classmates also to do the same


Ensured an amicable relation between Seniors and Juniors resulting.

Increased the pass percentage of seniors by 30% and Juniors by 42%

Put it all together into a PAR Statement:

“Mentored and guided 15 immediate Juniors to ensure a smooth transition for Juniors and a focused learning for myself and 5 fellow students, thus increasing the pass percentage by 30 and 45 percentages in senior and junior classes respectively”.

QUANTIFY your experiences whenever possible!

What SPECIFIC people did you work with?
How MUCH difference did you make?

Mentored 5 Juniors per 1 year for 3 years.

Format of a resume

The Following is the basic requirements of a resume. You can use your creativity and design your own resume. You can always send in your resumes to for feedback. 

  • Name
  • Contact details
  • objective
  • Education details – reverse chronological order
  • Extra certifications
  • Achievements / PAR Statements 
  • Projects
  • Hobbies and interests
  • References – on request.

You can download two sample resumes to understand a classic resume format.

Don`t forget to leave your comments and suggestions below.

Thanks for the read.

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